"Although DNA testing has revolutionized our comprehension of genetic heritage and familial ties, addressing the issue of stereotyping in parentage fraud necessitates a more comprehensive...
Ramadan fasting may help protect against diabetes, Obesity: Research
Washington: Ramadan fasting can help decrease insulin resistance and maintain a healthy body weight, a study suggests. Researchers showed that the practice of fasting during the Islamic month of Ramadan...
Difficulties in Teaching Diagnostic Reasoning in the Digital Age: the Critical Role of the Teacher-Clinician Mentor
Bad breath is a deal breaker both in business and in personal life of ours. And while breath fresheners or candies hide it, they do...
Difficulties in Teaching Diagnostic Reasoning in the Digital Age
Americans oftentimes ignore some basic, daily routines of oral hygiene, that need to be upheld. Practicing healthy habits like these ones will most surely help...